VSonic VC1000


VSonic VC1000. Balanced armature in-ear headphones. Basically a less luxurious version of the VSonic GR01, the VSonic VC1000 share most of their features. Precision, instruments separation and a great linearity merge to deliver the most HIFI sound possible.

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With its minimalistic design and Vsonic’s usual tips variety, VSonic VC1000 balanced armature in-ear headphone is an extremely comfortable earphone to wear, allowing deep insertion and an extremely good sealing, which make it an ideal choice for use in any circumstance at really low volume.


The crafting consists in a high-quality plastic body, resistant and with excellent finish that transmit their premium inheritance. 


As for sound, the VSonic VC1000 stand out for their great deal of detail. Precision, instruments separation and a great linearity merge to deliver the most HIFI sound possible. Despite bass frequencies not being its trump card, they are quick, precise and -within its design’s possibilities- have a certain extension. In fact, they will be successful as long as you don’t ask for very high pressure on the lowest frequencies. Mid-range is excellent, in detail as well as in texture and timbre. Both male and female voices stand out as extremely precise. Despite these being particularly warm-hearted earphones for the TWFK driver parameters, treble is the specialty of this earphone, coming across incisive or smooth depending on the case, but without sibilance or stridency.


The VSonic VC1000 earphones are exceptional for a large number of audiophiles. Only those seeking big bass, the most analytical fans and people who can’t stand deep insertion earphones will find them unfriendly. Precise and sufficient bass, spectacular mid-range and clear treble without sounding aggressive; linear, balanced sound with a warm touch for dualBA, a soundstage not wide but perfectly articulated and a simply astounding detail level.

Additional information

Weight 0,15 kg



13 pairs of silicon tips

1 pair of biflange tips

1 shirt clip



Driver: Knowles dual armature receiver

Rated Impedance: 32 Ohm

Sensitivity: 105 dB

Frequency Response: 20-20000 Hz

Distortion: <2% 94 dB

Channel Balance: < 2 dB

Rated Power: 10 mW

Maxium Input power: 50 mW



Plug: 3.5mm 24 K gold plated dual channel plug

Cable: 1.30 TPU Cable, 4 X 20 silver and copper mixed wires


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